Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Living Pentecost In Your Parish

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It is no secret that our parishes are struggling. The decrease in the numbers of priests and religious is compounded by the fact that those who are sitting in the pews are there with a mentality that the church is suppose to serve them, and that someone else will get the work done. Our church has always had a strong foundation of people who would give up their lives for Jesus  Christ’s message, and that message would be brought across the land, fulfilling the commandment that Jesus had given his first disciples. Notice how I use the word “commandment” and not “request”. I don’t think that Jesus had any doubt when he spoke to the disciples that they may choose NOT to carry on His message. Today we live in a world that is much more concerned with “me” than with “us”. We do not think that we should be doing anything that we “have” to do, rather, we ask ourselves many questions and usually find in those questions an excuse not to do things that would make us uncomfortable. We have to remember that Jesus calls us and promises to “comfort” us, not make us “comfortable”. Jesus has already called us to spread this message through our Baptism, if you were baptized in the Catholic faith, it is now your duty to not only spread his message but to know the message. This is where we have a problem today; many, many young adults do not know their faith. We could spend a lot of time in the area of who is to blame, but if we choose to spend our time there, then we all miss out!
I urge you to take a look at what God is calling you to do. Not to ask in a superficial way, but to really get on your knees and ask and listen to what God is saying today. It is my opinion that it is an exciting time to part of the Catholic Church, the windows and doors are WIDE open to those who want to come in and use their talents and gifts for the good of God’s message. What is that message for you? Without taking the time to listen, you will never know. How do we take the message of Pentecost to our parishes? It is easy, your mission this week, is to have a conversation with your parish priest, how could you use your talents to help glorify God? Glorifying God is why we breathe! Our faith is not an “I” statement, it is a “we” commandment, the Church cannot complete its mission without you, no matter how unworthy, unqualified, unchurched you feel. Jesus did not find his followers in the temple, nor at the local library or school, he found them doing what they do each day, ordinary like you and I. There is no question as to “IF” God is calling you… HE IS! Think of a broken piece of glass, shattered on the floor, each and every piece is needed if the glass will once again be put to use, even the smallest piece. You are needed to put this back together.
As a Director of Religious Ed for my parish, I know that soon, your parish will be looking for volunteers. What will your answer be? Will you be part of the growth of your parish? Or Will you be a part of its death? Make a decision now!

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