This week we concentrate on the Eucharist, the most holy realm in which we can become one with the risen Christ. We come together as a Eucharistic people, and our parishes become alive in his Word and deed through the great sacrifice – Jesus’ death and resurrection believing that He is with us to the end of time. Parishes flourish when its members really believe in Jesus real presence in the Eucharist and for this gift of life to be holy present, each member must partake in the meal that is offered to us. For Jesus gave us His life, wholly, that we too might have life, and therefore the question is: What will we do for Jesus, in order for Him to be able to work, not only in our own lives but within our church and community.
As a young youth minister, with not much experience, I remember spending much of my time making church “fun”, having pizza parties and game nights, thinking that my job was to bring God into the world of young people. While we were having “fun” not much was changing for the young that were in my care. As I kept reflecting on this I began to realize that God WAS already in their world, that the change would come with the realization that the key was not to bring God to the young, but to bring the young to God and to raise the young out of everyday life -- to bring them to a place that they may know the peace and love of heaven. It was then that I began to understand the importance of offering the Eucharistic experience to the young through Eucharistic Adoration. It was only then, that lives began to change and the young people began to have a deeper love and appreciation for God’s ultimate gift to them. Pizza parties and lock ins can be found anywhere, the Eucharist could only be provided through the church. This shift made all the difference to my ministry and most important all the difference to the kids I served.
In every parish, the gift of the Eucharist is given in a special way through Eucharistic Adoration, a Holy Hour dedicated to your relationship with God. It is not filled with song, or community prayers, it is filled with silence and an invitation for you to come closer to your loving Father in heaven. A moment from the distractions in life for us to better hear what God is saying to us. I urge you to attend a Holy Hour Adoration, and if that is not possible, to spend some time alone with God in your church with the Blessed Sacrament . . . listening.
I found a great website that can give you more information about how to spend your time with God through Holy Hour of Adoration. ( This site gives a useful guide as to how to spend your hour; it suggests that you divide the hour into 4 – 15 minute sections
1 – Reflect on Jesus’ real presence in the mystery of the Eucharist
2 - Devote the time to thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving to God as you grasp the wonder of who is present Really: God is with us! the Emmanuel of Christmas.
3 – Dedicate to petition, talk to God about what you need, what is lacking in your life, especially spiritually, ask him to help you find your purpose and how to live a life worthy of that Sacrifice of the Eucharist.
4 - Dedicate the last 15 minutes of the Holy Hour to atonement. Why atonement? A look into one's own conscience and the conscience of the world gives the answer. Reflect on how we are contributing to the sins of the world and ask for strength to become life giving in all we do.
Talk with a fellow parishioner who has experience with this devotion and let them be your teacher and your guide. The thing about Adoration, is that yes, you have to plan it into your schedule and you have to get yourself to the church, but just think of the happiness that God will have, because I believe that he smiles each time we give of ourselves to our relationship with Him. See you at Adoration.